Established in 1988, the City of Vaughan Archives is home to over 600 collections, consisting of both City (business and operational) records and historical (personal, family and community) records pertaining to Vaughan. Records include, but are not limited to the following:
- City business records with long-term legal and administrative value (i.e. Council Minutes, By-Laws, assessment rolls, financial records, reports, correspondence, etc.)
- Business, church, community and school records
- Census records
- Historic photographs
- Land records
- Historical maps, plans and aerials
- Newspapers
- Personal papers of residents and families (i.e. diaries, family histories, journals, letters, etc.)
- Records of local organizations (past and present)
The City of Vaughan Archives is also the official repository for the Burwick, Vellore and Maple Women's Institutes, the Vaughan Township Historical Society and the Woodbridge Agricultural Society.